
Showing posts from August, 2015


Hello Blogville, i haven't blogged in a lonnnnnngg time. I have totally killed my resolution about blogging more frequently but i actually need to really have something to say not just recycle news. I have been attending weddings and yes most of my MATES are getting married and i am just sitting here FABULOUS and ISH!! Anyway 2016 is coming..... God is faithful So in other words i have a question that needs to be answered on my blog. Terry Bams, a relationship coach asked a question on Twitter "In a marriage, should your partner have access to all your things? (Cell phone, social media, bank account,etc)" This is a very simple question and it could also be very complex. My answer to this question is NO. Lately from my own observation some couples miss the individuality part of their person, once in a relationship everything starts becoming "us" which is how it should be but eventually they start losing their individuality. Not everything necessaril