
Showing posts from September, 2012


The marriage topic is interesting an can also be sensitive too. Lately most couples have been making unanimous decisions to get married and thereby increasing the amount of ankara i have decide to accumulate as aso ebi in my closet. It is a blessing to support couples who have made the big decision to do life together forever but really how long is that forever. Apart from the vows one will give at the altar "for better for worse" "for richer and for poor" "in sickness and in in health", "till death do us (them)part, how many of these vow actually last forever. I don't know if some people actually sit down to think out the significance of these vows before getting married or are those words just part of the ceremony, it is a question because nowadays ladies are most especially interested in getting the ring, putting on a dress and having a grand wedding reception and dealing with the real meaning of the vows later. If he/she experiences job lo