This is just me trying to vent because some people just don't know how to act sometimes. I could be one of them sometimes but in PUBLIC , that is totally unacceptable.I have kept quiet for so many years but today, i mean today is the JUDGMENT DAY for such behavior and the people who actually practice or display them for me to see. 1, Talking loud on your cell phone in public : That one is my number pet peeve. I don't want to listen to your conversation. I don't want to know about the fight between you and your girlfriend or how your parents didn't transfer money into your account, it is none of my business so please keep your voice down when you are talking on your cell phone. PLEASE. I will be fored to exercise violence next time and it may include snatching the phone and flinging it against the wall,such phones will include (Blackberry, Iphone 4, Droid. )!!!!!!!!!! 2. Elevator Traffic : Okay some people dont know how to get in and out of elevators, i will help